"Welcome back to Sunday Stealing. Here we will steal all types of memes from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent memes. You may have heard of the expression, “honor amongst thieves”. In that age-old tradition, we also have our rules. We will be very honest about our theft: We always let the owner of the selected blog know that we have ripped their meme off. In turn, we will always provide a link to their site. Join in the fun and rip it off of us every Sunday. And stop by fellow thieves blogs and have some fun... Cheers to all us thieves!"
A Fall Meme
1. It’s not really fall in until... What did you need to do in the waning days of summer for it to feel complete?
To take the kids swimming as much as possible and start cleaning up the backyard and garage.
2. A person I know was wrong for me but about whom I frequently thought after a break-up was... Mark
3. If you could only attend one major sporting event what would it be? Hockey
4. Assuming that you write an anonymous or partially anonymous blog, by what non-physically identifying characteristics might you be identified in a bar? LOL! I have no idea!
5. Most blogs cover some sort of niche – personal, political, dating, culinary, etc. What topic, if any, would you like to address on your blog but doesn’t fit into your niche? Politics
6. If you could manipulate the time space continuum and give as many as three pieces of advice to a younger version of yourself, what advice would you give and to what age of you?
I would have given myself the advice of staying in school and getting my diploma, when I was 16yrs old. I would have given myself the advice of not getting married just because I was pregnant, when I was 19yrs old. I would have given myself the advice of not taking that special someone back, when I was 31yrs old.
7. Who among your friends do you really wish had a blog because their stories, or perspective on something ought to be shared?
I think Stacia and my mom would both offer a wonderful and new perspective to many!
8. If you were to take an e-cation (vacation from the trappings of our electronic world,) and assuming that employment obligations would allow it, how long of a break could you take?
I would take a few weeks.
What would you miss the most, the least?
I would miss my friends, bogging and FB the most and I would miss email the least.
9. On September 11th of this year, I attended a couple of parties and was somewhat conflicted by the fact that this ignoble anniversary shall pass with it being just another day in the eyes of many (and in some ways my own eyes as well.) Thoughts?
I feel the same, I think we should all do something that day to remember!
10. How high are your walls? Pretty damn high!
Who was the last person to scale them? Jeremy
What tools should would-be climbers have on their belt?
Truth, honesty, respect and a good sense of humor.
11. The sexiest thing a man or a woman can say to you (or has said to you) is: I am going to wash the dishes and the laundry! ;)
If you want to read more about the meme or join in the fun please visit Sunday Stealing.
Great answers - I thought this was a challenge this week!!