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Friday, April 13, 2012

Friday Fill-Ins

1. Speed is not something I have control over at the moment..

2. Bigfoot's birthday is what I've been looking forward to!

3. One of the things I like most about traveling is staying in hotels! It's always nice to not worry so much about the mess etc..

 4. Laughter makes me think of love!

 5. A road trip is always a lot of fun! I am one of those that stops at every Historical site etc! lol

6. Bowtie pasta with red sauce, green beans and a leftover boiled egg from Easter is what I had for dinner last night

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to having cake and ice cream for dinner tomorrow my plans include a nice long hike with the kiddos & a surprise craft I have been saving and Sunday, I want to need to go grocery shopping! We are going to make Fried Catfish for the first time! Any tips appreciated!

For more Friday Fill-Ins participants click here!


  1. thank you so much for stopping by my blog earlier =)

    haven't joined any friday fill ins for this year aha ! still in the phase to jump back into blogging career LOL I miss hopping from one blog to the another =))

    oh yeah.. coming from #UBP12 ~

  2. Great fill-ins, Phoenix. I hope the cake and ice cream are yummy. Birthdays are fun. Happy Weekend!

  3. Thanks for the comments ladies! Hope you all had a great weekend! :)
