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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Ruby Tuesday

"You are invited to participate in Ruby Tuesday!

What are the rules?

On Tuesdays you can post any photo you like (it must be one of your own) that contains the color RED. Your photo can contain lots of RED or a little RED. When you've posted to your blog, come back here and add your link to Mr. Linky and leave a comment."

Here is an old Red button I have had forever. It sits on my desk to remind me that it is ok to say no and not feel guilty! lol
Please visit Mary @ Work of the Poet for more Ruby Tuesday participants!


  1. That's a good reminder! It's so easy to get walked all over when you feel obliged to say yes to everything! Happy Ruby Tuesday!

  2. that is so cute! And yes, it's good to remember to say no. It took my mom years to learn that. I don't have to say no very much but it's a great reminder. Have a great Tuesday!

  3. only the brave can say no!


    happy tuesday!

  4. Just plainly saying "no" to negative thoughts will really stop it and make your day more ruby....hahhahaha...great simple and short post. join me in my quest for the real Ruby.
